Urban Culture Wales
Submit Your Music
Sending Music to us to include in our blog is free. If you would like to advertise or promote your product with us please contact us.
Before sending us your music please make sure it meets the following critrea:
You must be Welsh or based in Wales.
We Accept Music Track Releases - Music Video Releases - EP/Album Releases - Battle Rap Videos.
We accept music submissions from the following genres:
Rap & Hip-Hop. Drum & Bass. Grime. Dubstep. Trap. Boom bap. Urban Pop. R&B.
We also accept submissions from other forms of Welsh Urban Culture including:
DJing. Beatboxing. Music Production. Poetry and Spoken Word. Freestlying.
We will only consider your music to be published if:
The Audio is Produced/Mastered to a professionl quality.
The Visuals are HD and of professional quality.
Submitting your music in the form below is the best way to send us your music. If we accept your submission we will contact you via email or social media.